Wednesday 7 December 2016

CODERE3 - Coder Express 3!! - SOLUTION

CODERE3 - Coder Express 3!! is very easy DP problem.

I've solved this problem in O(n^2), but there is a better solution also, which runs in O(n(logn)) time complexity.

This problem is based on longest increasing sub-sequence (link for n*logn recursive DP for LIS).

There are two arrays, l[] and r[]. ith index of l[] tells the longest increasing sub-sequence till ith element, and same is for r[].

For finding longest increasing sub-sequence, we will traverse i 0 to n, and j from i+1 to n, and will check following conditions:

if (a[i] < a[j] && l[j] < l[i] + 1)
                    l[j] = l[i] + 1

And by doing same thing in reverse order, we can get r[].

After calculating l[] and r[], we will find the point where l[i] + r[i] is max. 

This was explanation for O( n^2 ), now try to think solving this problem in   O(n(logn)). 
If you find any difficulty in coding part, refer to the following code: 


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